VG2020 bypass doors in MDF
Bypass Doors
Bypass doors feature two or more doors that slide past one another. Typically bypass doors are hung from top-mounted hangers that glide along a concealed track, though bottom-mounted hardware is available for specific applications.
TruStile MDF bypass doors are constructed with our TopWedge® hardwood edge system to ensure the screw holding ability of hardware that is installed into the tops of these doors. These doors are available in any door style and material option, so you can achieve design consistency with the other doors in your project.
Bi-Fold Doors
Even your closet doors can reflect your personal style. Most of our panel door styles are available in two- and four-leaf bi-fold configurations allowing you to maintain design consistency with your other doors. All bi-fold doors come pre-fit with hardware.

TS3160 4-leaf bi-fold door